Wednesday, 25 February 2009



智商(IQ),是通過一系列標準測試測量人在其年齡段的認知能力(「智力」)的得分。由法國的比奈 (Alfred Binet,1857年-1911年) 和他的學生所發明,他根據這套測驗的結果,將一般人的平均智商定為100,而正常人的智商,根據這套測驗,大多在85到115之間。
智商計算公式:100×(mental age/chronological age)
即為IQ=(智力年齡mental age/生理年齡chronological age)*100

智商 智力等級
140以上 天才或近於天才
120-140 智力優異
110-120 智力較高
90-110 普通智力
80-90 遲鈍偶為低能
70-80 介乎遲鈍與低能之間(每可歸入低能)
70以下 確定為低能


EQ (Emotional Quotient) 情感商數/情緒智力
人培養EQ的最終目的是要使用EQ,讓EQ幫助我們在社會上如魚得水、游走自如。先天IQ高、後天的努力夠,但沒有相應的EQ配合的話,成功不是必然的。 EQ發揮作用的層次是:表達自己(以身受感作基礎)、了解他人、與人交通帶來良好的人際關係、互相接納、再發展。同時具備掌握自己感情、理解他人感覺,和在任何情況下都能樂觀向前的資質與能力。追求情緒的適切度調節:能善於處理情緒,制衡情緒的負面反應,既避免過分衝動而造成毀滅性行為,也避免過分壓抑而變得沮喪、憂鬱。
不論做人做事,都應該不焦慮、不躁進、一步一步按部就班地前進 (獨立自主有主張的人)
1. 摹仿心目中的理想人物:隨著時間將之揉入自己的風格與魅力,並將摹仿對象的感性與行事風格內化為自己的一部分
2. 從摹仿別人到活出自己的味道
3. 具極佳的協調力:能同時兼備幾種力量,並加以統御、協調的思考能力 (對現在情勢的洞察能力,對將來發展的預測能力以及對資訊的搜集能力
1. 外向型性格的人樂觀、活潑、決斷、急性子、率直、勇敢、進取、魯莽、輕鬆、不愛鑽牛角尖。 2. 內向型的人悲觀、文靜、猶豫、慢性子、含蓄、保守、謹慎、多慮、愛鑽牛角尖。
人之所以情緒反應不同,乃因人的性格不同,產生的EQ效應也不同。 若希望EQ在我們的人生中起正面積極的作用,便應嘗試用一般的方法和手段,來改變性格中不好的特質。

來自身受感 (Empathy)。身受感是學習來的,人在一出生就開始從父母那裡感應及學習身受感。

IQ智商 EQ情商

IQ智商 EQ情商

1905 年法国心理学家就制定出第一个测量智力的量表──比奈-西蒙智力量表,1922年传入我国,1982年由北京吴天敏先生修订,共51题,主要适合测量小学生和初中生的智力。1916年美国韦克斯勒编制了韦克斯勒成人智力量表(WAIS),儿童智力量表(WISC)、适用4-6.5 儿童的韦氏幼儿智力量表(WPPSZ),韦氏量表于80年代中后期引进我国经过修订出版了中文版,因而应用较广。

我们采用的是美国心理学家韦克斯勒编制的智力量表,由我国湖南医科大龚耀先等人修订,制定了中国常模。现在我们可以测查 6-16岁的儿童和16岁以上的成人。通过心理测量可了解自己的智力水平、潜能所在,鉴定交通事故导致智力损伤,为发挥自己的优势,科学填报高考志愿,优生优育等提供科学依据。


EQ(Emotional Quotient)是"情绪商数"的英文简称,它代表的是一个人的情绪智力(Emotional Intelligence)之能力。简单的来说,EQ是一个人自我情绪管理以及管理他人情绪的能力指数。
早在一九二零年,美国哥伦比亚大学的教授索戴克(E.L. Thorndike)就首先提出了社会智力(Social Intelligence)的概念,认为拥有高社会智力的人「具有了解及管理他人的能力,而能在人际关系上采取明智的行动」。
一九二六年推出了第一份社会智力测验(George Washington Social Intelligence Test),问卷的题目包括了指认图片中人物的情绪状态,以及判断人际关系中的问题等等。
一直到一九八三年,美国心理学家嘉纳教授(Howard Gardner)提出了影响现今教育体系甚钜的"多元智力"理论。他认为原先只重数理语文能力等的传统定义"智力"的方式(亦即IQ)需要大幅修改,因为一个人的IQ除了对学校学习的成绩有很高的正相关(IQ愈高,功课愈好),对于其它方面,例如工作表现,感情及生活满意度等并无太大的关系。
第一个使用"EQ"这个名词的人是心理学家巴昂(Reuven Bar-on),他在一九八八年编制了一份专门测验EQ的问卷(EQ-i),根据他的定义,EQ包括了那些能影响我们去适应环境的情绪及社交能力。其中有五大项:(1)自我EQ(2)人际EQ(3)适应力(4)压力管理能力(5)一般情绪状态(乐观度,快乐感)。
真正让「EQ」一词走出心理学的学术圈,而成为人人朗朗上口的日常生活用语的心理学家是哈佛大学的高曼教授(Daniel Goleman)。他在1995年出版的《EQ》一书(Emotional Intelligence),登上了世界各国的畅销书排行榜,在全世界掀起了一股EQ热潮。
高曼发现一个人的EQ对他在职场的表现有着非常重要的影响。举例而言,一个针对全美国前500大企业员工所做的调查发现,不论产业别为何,一个人的IQ和EQ对他在工作上成功的贡献比例为 IQ:EQ=1:2,也就是说,对于工作成就而言,EQ的影响是IQ的两倍,而且职位愈高,EQ对工作表现的影响就愈大。此外对于某些工作类别,例如行销,业务以及客户服务等等,EQ的影响就更为明显。
要测量工作EQ,目前相当广为使用的量表是情绪能力问卷(ECI:Emotional Competence Inventory),总共有110个题目,很特别的是ECI使用360度全方位的资料收集方法,它不只是问当事人,也会从他的上司、属下、和同事来了解当事人的工作EQ,得出来的结果当然就比较客观而准确。

i,e,a q

智商就是IQ(Intelligence Quotient,的簡稱)。通俗地可以理解為智力,是指數字、空間、邏輯、詞匯、創造、記憶等能力。
1916年,心理學家Stern提出一個“智商”(Intelligence Quotient簡稱I.Q.)的概念:如果一個小孩子的智力年齡與他的生理年齡一樣,那么他的智力就是一般;但如他的智力年齡高于或低于他的生理年齡,則他的智力便是高于或低于一般水準。



  智商(I.Q.) 智力等級

  140以上 天才或近於天才

  120-140 智力優異

  110-120 智力較高

  90-110 普通智力

  80-90 遲鈍偶為低能

  70-80 介乎遲鈍與低能之間(每可歸入低能)

  70以下 確定為低能

根據統計,約50%的人口,智商介于90與會110之間即“普通智力”約25%的人口,智商小于90,(根據定義,智商100當然就是人口的平均智力水準)。智商介於是110與120者,約佔人口14.5%;介於是120與會130者約佔7%介於是130與會140者,約3%智商超過140者,僅佔人口的0.5% 。


EQ——情感商數,簡稱“情商”, 是測定和描述人的情緒、情感的一種量化指標,指一個人運用理智控制情感和操縱行為的能力。情商是一種洞察人生價值、揭示人生目標的悟性,是一種克服內心矛盾衝突、協調人際關係的技巧,是一種生活智慧。 也是我們平常所說的心理素質。




target audience demographics

Pokemon target audience demographics

Hi, I'm wondering how one could obtain information regarding the audience demographics of the pokemon franchise. I'm particularly interested in gender split between male/female fans, though I've read that the age group that nintendo targets with their marketing ads are between ages of 6-14(primarily 6-11). Why this particularly interests me is because of what strikes me as boys and girls having more similar tastes when they are smaller, while diverging more significantly in tastes for hobbies and television shows as they get older. I'm also curious to know the male/female split for fans of the Ninja Turtles franchise. Are they targeted towards males? Both? I'm not a marketing major, but where can one find answers to such questions? Thank you in advance.


Usagi Tsukino (月野 うさぎ, Tsukino Usagi?)
The main character of the series, called Serena in the English anime (nicknamed Bunny in the English manga). Usagi is a carefree schoolgirl with an enormous capacity for love, and transforms into the heroine called Sailor Moon. At the beginning of the series she is portrayed as an immature crybaby who hates having to fight evil and wants nothing more than to be a normal girl.[6] As she progresses, however, she embraces the chance to use her power to protect those she cares about.

Mamoru Chiba (地場 衛, Chiba Mamoru?)
A student somewhat older than Usagi, called Darien in the English adaptations of the series. As a young child he was in a terrible car accident that robbed him of his parents and his knowledge of who he is. During the series he has some precognitive ability, including dreams that inspire him to take on the guise of Tuxedo Mask and fight alongside the Sailor Senshi. After an initially confrontational relationship, he and Usagi remember their past lives together and fall in love again.

Ami Mizuno (水野 亜美, Mizuno Ami?)
A quiet bookworm in Usagi's class, called Amy in the English adaptations of the series. She is highly intelligent, with a rumored IQ of 300,[7] and can transform into Sailor Mercury, acquiring power over all phases of water. Ami's shy exterior masks a passion for knowledge and for taking care of the people around her. She hopes to be a doctor one day, like her mother, and tends to be the practical one in the group. Secretly, she is also a fan of pop culture and romance novels, and becomes embarrassed whenever this is pointed out.

Rei Hino (火野 レイ, Hino Rei?)
An elegant miko (shrine maiden), called Raye in the English versions. Because of her work as a Shinto priestess, Rei can sense and dispel evil even in civilian form. When she transforms into Sailor Mars, she can also manipulate fire. She is very serious and focused, but although easily annoyed by Usagi's flightiness, cares about her very much. Rei is portrayed as boy-crazy in the early anime, but is uninterested in romance in both the manga and live-action series. She attends a private Catholic school, separate from the other girls.

Makoto Kino (木野 まこと, Kino Makoto?)
A tomboy who transfers into Usagi's school, called Lita in the English versions. Very tall and strong for a Japanese schoolgirl, she can transform into Sailor Jupiter, attacking with lightning and with some control over plants. Both Makoto's parents died in a plane crash years ago, so she lives alone and takes care of herself. She cultivates her physical strength as well as more domestic interests, including housekeeping, cooking, and gardening. She wants to marry young and to own a flower and cake shop.

Minako Aino (愛野 美奈子, Aino Minako?)
A perky dreamer who acted on her own as Sailor V for some time. Called Mina in the English versions, she has a companion cat called Artemis who works alongside Luna in guiding the Sailor Senshi. Minako transforms into Sailor Venus, Soldier of Love, and is the leader of Sailor Moon's four inner guardians. She also dreams of becoming a famous singer and idol and attends auditions whenever she can. At the start of the live-action series, she is already these things, but has poor health and separates herself from the other Senshi.

Chibiusa (ちびうさ?)
The future daughter of Usagi and Mamoru, Chibiusa travels from the 30th century to seek help to save her parents, then later to train with Sailor Moon to become a soldier. She learns to transform into Sailor Chibi Moon. Her relationship with her mother in the 20th century is at times adversarial, as she considers herself to be more mature than Usagi, but as the series progresses they develop a deep bond. Chibiusa wants to grow up to become a lady like her mother. In the English adaptations, she is called Rini, and her alter ego is called Sailor Mini Moon.

Setsuna Meioh (冥王 せつな, Meiō Setsuna?)
A mysterious woman, called Trista in the English anime. She is first revealed as Sailor Pluto, the Guardian of Time, whose duty is to protect the Space-Time Door from unauthorized travelers. It is only later that she appears on Earth, living as a college student. She has a distant personality and can be very stern, but can also be quite friendly and helps the younger Sailor Senshi when she can. After so long at the gate of time she carries a deep sense of loneliness, although she is close friends with Chibiusa.

Michiru Kaioh (海王 みちる, Kaiō Michiru?)
A talented violinist with some precognition, called Michelle in the English anime. She is a year older than most of the other Sailor Senshi and can transform into Sailor Neptune, channeling the power of the ocean. She worked alone for some time before finding her partner, Sailor Uranus, with whom she fell in love. Michiru is elegant and personable, already well-known for her music as well as her painting, but has given up her own dreams for the life of a Senshi. She is fully devoted to this duty and willing to make any sacrifice for it.

Haruka Tenoh (天王 はるか, Ten'ō Haruka?)
A good-natured, masculine-acting girl, called Amara in the English anime. Haruka is the same age as her partner, Michiru, and transforms into Sailor Uranus, Soldier of the Sky. Before becoming a Sailor Senshi, she dreamt of being a racer, and is skilled at driving. She tends to dress and, in the anime, speak like a man. She is so friendly and genial that nearly everyone she meets is attracted to her. When it comes to fighting the enemy, however, she distrusts outside help and prefers to work solely with Sailor Neptune and, later, Pluto and Saturn.

Hotaru Tomoe (土萠 ほたる, Tomoe Hotaru?)
A sweet, lonely young girl whose name is unchanged in English (though pronounced slightly differently). Daughter of a possessed mad scientist, she is sickly and weak as the result of a terrible lab accident in her youth. After overcoming the darkness that has surrounded her family, she is able to become the Soldier of Silence, Sailor Saturn. She wields forces of destruction so powerful that she is rarely called upon to use them, and unlike the others, her Senshi and civilian personae seem somewhat disconnected. She is often pensive, and as a human has the inexplicable power to heal others.
* Frank the koala is the pilot of the plane. He has demonstrated excellent skills in tennis and was the only member of the community able to defeat Archie, though he admitted it was probably just luck. He also fostered an interest in pottery at one point but did not have any great artistic ability.

* Buster the koala sits behind Frank in their plane and uses his telescope to spot friends in need from the air. He is always willing to provide a pep talk or a hug to his friends. He speaks more softly than Frank and has a small tuft of hair on the top of his head. Buster loves to bake, especially butter cookies.

* Mitzi the possum lives in a room in the Koala brothers' homestead that is not directly connected to the rest of the house and is accessible only from outside. Mitzi has a nervous, excitable personality and can be controlling and bossy. She exerts a great deal of influence over Ned the Little Wombat and seems to fill the role of a big sister to Ned. She often needs the Koala Brothers' help in overcoming her dominant, perfectionist, controlling personality.

* Ned the wombat is apparently the youngest member of the local community and lives in a trailer next door to the Koala Brothers' homestead. He is often unsure of himself, but he dreams of adventure as an explorer or a sea captain. He is very determined, and easily fixated on an idea.

* George the tortoise is the local mail carrier. He has no known residence but is always seen delivering the mail with his trusty leather satchel. He is very proud of being a mail carrier and tells the best campfire stories in the outback. He also has an interest in stamp collecting.

* Sammy the echidna lives in town and owns the local general store, which sells fuel in addition to comestibles. His sole employee is Josie. He has the least amount of problems, after the Koala Brothers.

* Josie the kangaroo works at the general store and is great friends with Mitzi.

* Alice the platypus works at the local cafe and appears to be the sole employee, though it is not clear if she owns the cafe. She is very forgetful, to the point of having severe short-term memory problems. She rides a green motor-scooter around, which has its share of engine problems. She loves to bake and one of her few talents is following recipes, although she is also good at reading maps.

* Archie the crocodile lives in a well-appointed cottage near the local watering hole. He is always exercising, stretching, or playing tennis, and is renowned at being the best at almost every sport. He is British, and has an upper-crust demeanor.

* Penny the penguin is an explorer who lives in Antarctica, but has visited the outback on occasions and keeps up a regular written correspondence with the Koala Brothers. She does not speak English, but communicates with cooing like that of a human infant.

* Lolly the emu is the local ice cream vendor and can often be seen driving her ice cream truck around.
* Jim is the main character in the series. He is an adventure and mystery loving guy. He is a very curious character, which should inspire children to follow his example by asking questions and actively seeking their answers.
* Rover is a robot dog and is always by Jim's side. Rover loves to play fetch and is always helping Jim on his lunar missions. He speaks in beeps, though every other character seems to understand him.
* Ripple is the engineer on the moon. She is always coming up with new inventions to help Jim and often helps him on his missions.
* Eco is the farmer on the moon who works in the Eco dome growing plants and raising the animals. Eco loves to collect rocks and plants to study and help Jim. He doesn't often go on missions because he is too busy farming in the Eco dome.
* TED (Technical Equipment Device) is another robot. Unlike Rover, TED is a humanoid robot. He is the clumsiest on the moon and usually having his clumsiness creating simple slapstick comedy. However, he is quite smart and sometimes solves the problem in the story. TED represents a child and essentially, the show's target audience.
* Pixel is the computer that helps Jim and his friends find things on the lunar surface and tells them their jobs for the day.
* Dolores is a chicken.
* Daisy is a cow. Lunar Jim and his team get their milk from Daisy.

Season 2 saw the addition of three major characters.

* Skye is a young space cadet who comes to Moonaluna for "hands-on" training.
* Yik Yak is an alien whose visits usually result in some sort of unintentional mayhem. He speaks in rhyme.
* Zippity is a space mailman.

Domo lives in an underground cave with Mr. Usaji [6][5], known in Japanese-language versions as Usajii (うさじい?), a portmanteau of the words usagi (うさぎ?), (rabbit), and jii (じい?) (old man, grandpa). Mr. Usaji is a wise old rabbit who loves to watch television and drink astringent green tea. Mr. Usaji is not into any "new" materials, and does not own a telephone. In terms of fashion, Mr. Usaji focuses on materials instead of shapes. Mr. Usaji's favorite food is carrots, and his least favorite food is "something that is meaningless."

Also in the cave live two bats, a mother named Maya [6] (Shinobu (しのぶ?) in the Japanese version) and her child Mario (Morio (もりお?) in the Japanese version). Maya has a drinking problem; her favorite foods are seasonal while her least favorite food is, ironically, alcohol. Mario's favorite food is Japanese-style tomato spaghetti, while his least favorite food is shiitake mushrooms.[6][5]

The other main character in the shorts is a weasel girl named Tashanna [6] [5] (Tā-chan (たーちゃん?) in the Japanese version). Tashanna, 17 years old, is a weasel who aspires to be a fashion stylist or model in Tokyo and is always using technology (televisions, mobile phones, and cameras). In English Tashanna has a "weaselly accent" (いたちなまり, itachi namari?) and ends her sentences with "y"s. In the Japanese version, she ends her sentences with "chi" (ち) [7]. According to the English site, she is also looking for a boyfriend. Tashanna's favorite food is apricot and mint tarts, and her least favorite food is sea urchin. [5] The Japanese name originates from the word "multichannel" (多チャンネル, tachanneru?) of digital broadcasting.

Bear Boy (Kogumagorō (こぐまゴロー?)), also known as A Little Bear (くまのこ, Kuma no ko?, literally "A bear cub"), is one of Domo's friends from the neighborhood; the timid cub enjoys playing baseball.[6][5]

Hee (Flower One (花一, Hanaichi?)) and Haw (Flower Two (花二, Hanaji?)) are pixie twins from a flower. Domo is the only individual who can see them. [6]

The Fox Trio consists of Esther (Esuko (エスコ?)), Brother Fox (あにきち, Aniki-chi?), and Fox Boy (Konjirō (コンジロー?)). Esther, the youngest member, enjoys producing crocodile tears, plotting schemes, and causing havoc. Brother Fox, the eldest member, dutifully cares for his youngest siblings and feels upset when referred to as "short-legged" (短足, tansoku?). Fox Boy, having a quiet demeanor, converses with Domo and Bear Boy and prefers to read.[5][7]

Hungry Bear (はらぺこぐま, Harapekoguma?), a large and powerful bear, feels too hungry to take advantage of his strength.[5]

The Ghost (ヒュ~たろう, Hyūtarou?) randomly appears and disappears.[5][7]


* Bob the Builder – a construction worker and head of his own construction yard. He is the namesake of the show and also its main character. Some of the problems in the show arise from Bob's habit of forgetting to turn his mobile phone on. He is the owner of Pilchard the Cat.
* Wendy – Bob's business partner who runs the office and keeps the business in order, and often organizes tools and equipment. She is also seen doing construction work in many episodes. An underlying romantic tension between Bob and Wendy is hinted at in several episodes.
* Farmer Pickles – a nearby farmer who sometimes helps out with Bob's projects.
* Spud – a mischievous scarecrow (male voice; catchphrase: "OK, Farmer Pickles" & "Spud's on the job!").

Recurring human characters

* Mr Beasley - a Bobsville resident and a frequent customer
* Mr Bernard Bentley – the building inspector and later Mayor of Bobsville
* Mrs Barbara Bentley – his wife
* Mr Dixon – postman and brother to a famous football goalkeeper
* Mr Ellis – museum manager
* JJ – parts supplier
* Molly – JJ's daughter
* Mrs Percival – school headmaster
* Mrs Potts - a Bobsville resident and owner of Tommy the Tortoise.
* Mr Sabatini – runs the local pizza shop

Minor human characters

* Mr Costello – Drive-in movie manager
* Dora – Bob's aunt
* Dorothy – Bob's Mom
* Mr Fothergill - a Bobsville resident and Hamish's first owner
* Jenny – Wendy's sister
* Mavis – postwoman
* Pam
* Robert – Bob's Dad
* Mrs Sabatini
* Mr Stevens – an archaeologist
* Tom – Bob's fraternal twin brother
* Mr Williams – an airport manager


* Scoop – is a yellow backhoe loader and the unofficial leader of all the machines (male voice; catchphrase: "No prob, Bob!"). At some points there is hinted romance between him and Dizzy.
* Muck – is a red bulldozer with additional dumping bed who acts before he thinks and often gets in trouble for it, but finds his way back (male voice; female voice in US dub; catchphrase: "Muck to the rescue!").
* Dizzy – is an orange concrete mixer and one of the youngest in the yard. She is eager, curious, and easily excitable (female voice; catchphrase: "Brilliant!"). Dizzy sometimes appears to have a crush on Scoop.
* Roley – is a green steamroller, rounds out the "Can-Do Crew" (male voice; catchphrase: "Rock and roll!").
* Lofty – is a blue crane who isn't very confident; he is hesitant and timid, but with the encouragement of the team comes through in the end (male voice; female voice in US dub; catchphrase: "Uh ... yeah, I think so!", usually said in response to the question "Can we fix it?").
* Benny – is a darkish red excavator (female voice; catchphrase: "Unreal, banana peel!")
* Scrambler – is darkish blue quadbike (ATV) (male voice; catchphrases: "Let's Scram!", "Awesome!" and "Cool as a Mule")
* Sumsy – is a maroon & yellow striped forklift, owned by Farmer Pickles (female voice; catchphrase: "I can pack 'em, I can stack 'em!")
* Packer – is a red semi-trailer truck, owned by Farmer Pickles. It has two trailers, a flatbed trailer and a covered trailer. (male voice; catchphrases: "Pick up and Deliver!" and "Pack me up and watch me go-go").
* Dodger – is a lightish blue pickup truck, owned by Meg and carries milk. He has a crane with a grabber that lifts the milk. His horn makes honking sounds. (male voice; catchphrase: "Dodger Delivers").
* Tumbler – is a green, yellow, and nice concrete transport truck. (male voice; catchphrase: "I'm a Rumblin' and a Tumblin'")
* Flex – is a yellow cherry picker. (male voice; catchphrase: "Fantastic Flex!")
* Bristle - is a grey and blue street sweeper.{male voice; catchprase: "Clean as a whistle" or "Clean as a whistle bristle, that's me!}
* Splasher - is a yellow & blue water vehicle, who works at Bobland Bay (male voice; catchphrase: "Never fear, Super Splasher is here!")
* Travis – is Farmer Pickles' cyan tractor. He helps out the crew when they need it and keeps an eye on Spud the scarecrow.
* Skip – is a yellow skip-carrier (male voice)
* Trix – is a purple forklift; belongs to J.J. (female voice; catchphrase: "Easy peasy!")
* Scoot – is a black & yellow snowmobile, owned by Tom (male voice)
* Zoomer – is a purple, Bobsville snowmobile (male voice; seen in 'Snowed Under')
* RV – is a light blue crane machine belonging to Bob's Dad. (male voice; catchphrase: "Amazing RV, that's me!").
* Jackaroo – is a blue pickup truck. He is owned in the Wild West by a female cowboy.


* Bird – is a bird, Roley's best friend
* Fin - Bob's pet fish.
* Hamish – became JJ and Molly's parrot after Mr. Fothergill found out he was allergic to him.
* Humpty – is a prize pig, owned by Farmer Pickles.
* Pilchard – Bob's pet cat and considered a part of the team. However, she's often sleeping when she's needed.
* Scruffty – a dog, owned by Farmer Pickles.
* Squawk – Another bird, friend of Bird
* Tommy – Mrs. Potts' tortoise

* Tinky Winky, played by (Dave Thompson, Mark Heenehan, and Simon Shelton), is a purple male Teletubby. He is the largest of the Teletubbies, with a triangular antenna on his head. Tinky Winky is notable for the red luggage (described by the show as a "magic bag", but often described by other media as a handbag) he carries. His character has caused much controversy due to allegations that his character's behaviour carried homosexual undertones. He is also found performing his Tinky Winky Round and Round Dance in a ballet-style tutu from time to time, which is also often worn by Laa-Laa.

* Dipsy, played by John Simmit, is the second Teletubby and is green in colour. His name stems from the straight dipstick antenna on his head. His favorite item to wear and carry with him is his black and white hat. Dipsy is the most obstinate of the characters, and will sometimes refuse to go along with the other Tubbies' group opinion. His face is also notably darker than the rest of the Teletubbies.

* Laa-Laa, played by Nikky Smedley, is a yellow female Teletubby. She has a curly antenna and is very concerned with the welfare of all. She's the best singer of all the Teletubbies. "Drama queen", party-girl and mother type. Her favorite thing is a bouncy, orange ball, which is almost as big as she is.

* Po, played by Pui Fan Lee, is a red female Teletubby with a short antenna that has a circle on top. Po is the smallest of all the Teletubbies and often the one who gets into innocent trouble. Her favorite thing is her scooter as she calls it ("Po 'cooter!"). Of all the Teletubbies, Po usually becomes most involved with the audience, and is the only bi-lingual Teletubby, with her second language being Cantonese.

* Noo-Noo seems to be both the Teletubbies guardian and/or housekeeper, due to its resemblance to a vacuum cleaner, which is its initial purpose in the house. Noo-Noo hardly ventures outside, instead remaining indoors and constantly cleaning with its sucker-like nose. It does not speak like the other characters, instead communicating through a series of slurping and sucking noises. At times, Noo-Noo gets annoyed with the Teletubbies antics and can vacuum their food or toys. This usually prompts the Teletubbies to scold Noo-Noo through a cry of "Naughty Noo-Noo!". Usually after this, Noo-Noo flees and the Teletubbies pursue it comically around the house until they grow tired, are distracted by something, or forgive Noo-Noo. This sequence ends with them hugging it, or with it shooting out their absorbed objects.

* The Sun is personified with the face of baby Jessica Smith, who is believed to have been around seven months old at the time of filming[5]. Her giggle was included on the track Teletubbies say "Eh-oh!", which reached number one on the UK Singles Chart. Although she was not credited, this does make her technically the youngest person ever whose vocal appeared on a number one song.

The show also features the voices of Toyah Willcox and Eric Sykes, and occasionally Sandra Dickinson and Penelope Keith, all of whom provide narration; the only (semi)regular physical cast member is Tamzin Griffin, who plays the manic "Funny Lady".

Saturday, 21 February 2009










dwarf inc.、TYO




















Festival du Film d'Animation du Annecy短編作品賞




Lake Pend Oreille, Hope, ID by Chip Phillips.
Canon 5D
Canon 16-35 f2.8L II

Cannon Beach Reflections by Chip Phillips.
A shot at sunset from Cannon Beach on the Oregon Coast. Thanks for looking! Chip

Canon 5D, Canon 17-40 f4L


Which came first, the man or the mouse? by Abby Lanes.
The butterfly effect:
A butterfly flaps its wings in China, setting off a chain of events that ends with a tornado in Kansas. This is the chaos theory, in a nutshell, You never know how your creative energy will reverberate and set off an unpredictable and exciting impact. Let your creative chaos roar!


tilt-shift effect!

A little about this picture:

HDR Orton done in Dynamic Photo HDR to give it the “dreamy” effect. After that I imported to PSPX2, duplicated the layer, desaturated and brought the color layer to the top. Then rubbed away the background to show b&w. I did this because the background was distracting. I would have liked Olivia’s face (left) a touch more in the picture, but that was how I framed it. So to balance it out a little I cropped in from the right and down from the top a little, also cutting a little more of the busy background out.


Feature ArticlesFebruary2007
The World of Fotomo by Kimio Itozaki
The World of Fotomo The World of Fotomo
What you see above isn't a virtual-reality image created on a computer. It's a “Fotomo” — a three-dimensional object you can pick up and hold in your hand. Created from photo prints of real-world scenes, cut and assembled into 3D collages, Fotomo are the work of Kimio Itozaki, a photographer with a unique perspective on life and art.
A lthough photography is a medium that faithfully records reality, it only does so in two dimensions. Conventional 3D models, on the other hand, generally lack the realism and fine detail of photos. So as the name suggests, Fotomo is a technique that combines the realism of photography with the physical presence of a 3D model.
When I create a Fotomo, I first rough-out the three-dimensional form, and then use photographic images to show the fine details. But when you look at a Fotomo, something strange happens in your brain — the actual 3D reality of the model and the virtual 3D space of the photo merge to provide a unique 3D experience.
The perspective in the photographic images conveys a feeling of depth within a limited space, and because the Fotomo is a real three-dimensional object than you can view from various angles, it has a unique realism that gives the viewer a real sense of “being there.”
Fotomo as “Impersonal Art”
I always choose ordinary subjects for my Fotomo works — conventional street scenes, buildings, and everyday objects. Even when I travel abroad, I stick to this policy and avoid using famous buildings or other tourist attractions as my subject, because through Fotomo, I want to express the intrinsic aesthetic value of the everyday. That’s why I’m more interested in ordinary things that many people might find prosaic.
In my work, I’m guided by my own concept of “Impersonal Art.” What do I mean by this? For example, the Fotomo above shows a building with a greengrocer on the first floor and a karaoke bar (providing laser disc entertainment, according to the sign) on the second. Next door, there’s a temple where people can pray for the healthy upbringing of their children. Even for the Japanese, this is a pretty bizarre scene.
It’s this coming together of the incongruous that creates something that the noted surrealist Lautréamont described as being “as beautiful as the chance meeting on a dissecting table of a sewing machine and an umbrella.” But this odd little street corner didn’t spring from the mind of a single creative genius. It is the unconscious result of the thoughts and actions of many people, like a work of art without a creator. By impersonal, I mean something not intentionally created whose subjectivity is impossible to pinpoint. Despite the fact that modern cities are a reflection of man’s rational nature, you can still find plenty of examples of the “impersonal” at work.
Impersonal art comes into existence when the observer discovers the artistic merit of something that was not initially created as a work of art. In other words, I don’t really create impersonal art, I simply take photographs. However, when I tried shoot with impersonal art in mind, all I ended up with was landscapes. That’s when I hit on the idea of Fotomo as a technique for expressing impersonal art as objets d’art. By miniaturizing streets and buildings, Fotomo strips them of their usefulness so that they become pure objects. From my viewpoint as an observer, this lets me represent the real world artistically as an unadulterated object. For me, Fotomo is quite simply a medium for expressing impersonal art.
Making a Fotomo

For this Fotomo I used 6 photos of the building and several photos of passerby (I also shot people other than those shown here). I varied the angle a little when shooting each of the building’s walls.

Arranging the photos gives me an idea of the overall image. Based on this, I then cut out parts of the prints and arrange them to create the three-dimensional Fotomo I have in mind. For this particular work I took the images with a digital camera and post-processed them on a PC, something I have only recently started doing after 10 years of working with 35mm film and prints. Since Fotoma itself is a new form of photographic expression, film and digital are both simply the means to an end.
Fotomo Papercraft
Looking at a photo of a Fotomo obviously doesn’t to justice to the reality of the experience, and exhibitions of the actual works only provide a limited amount of exposure. But I wanted to share the Fotomo experience with even more people. That was the inspiration for the development of Fotomo papercraft.
Simple assembly is all it takes for anyone to discover the reality of Fotomo, and I’ve published Fotomo papercraft books and magazine how-to articles to make it even more accessible. Although these publications are only available in Japan, anyone who is interested can download Fotomo papercraft project instructions from my website. To construct your own Fotomo, simply print the parts on A4 size cards and assemble according to papercraft theory.
Click the image to download the papercraft and construct your own Fotomo. (3.4MB)
Fotomo Works